Oct. 27, 2014
Evening Grosbeak
Cedar Wax Wing (Oct. 28):
Jan. 15, 2015
Chickadees on a glorious hoarfrost-encrusted day:
March 24, 2015
A spring snowstorm brings out the juncos!
June 10, 2015
House wrens have set up a nest near my window. The parents like to
hang out in the lilac bush. Can't wait to see the babies!
February 21, 2019
It's been a long time, but I am finally back in my home office working
during the days, and my view right now is deep, but the
chickadees seem to be enjoying it.
March 19, 2019
More birds are coming back as spring approaches.
March 28, 2019
Juncos and a house finch
September 11, 2019
Female Western Tanager
February 18, 2020
March 13, 2020
Oregon junco
March 18, 2020
Oregon junco
Black-capped chickadee
Oregon junco
Oregon junco
May 12, 2020
Bullock's Oriole
June 8, 2020
Juvenile red-tail hawk
March 4, 2021
Chickadee and finch:
March 8, 2021
Black-capped chickadee
March 9, 2021
Black-capped chickadee:
March 10, 2021
Goldfinch, Cassin's finch, nuthatch
chickadee, junco
March 25, 2021
Female evening grosbeak,
male Cassin's finch, junco
Nov. 20, 2021
Great Gray Owl:
April 6, 2022
Red poll:
The view from the east-facing window after a storm (Sept. 28, 2022):
Too much snow (Feb. 21, 2023):
A cold, windy day (Feb. 22):
Still too much snow (Mar. 30):
Signs of Spring (Apr. 11):
Fall critters (Sept. 25, 2023):
So glad you’re back! These photos are gorgeous!