December 11, 2014

The December 2014 Views

Late afternoon views (Dec. 11):

Mid afternoon (Dec. 15):

Christmas Eve Eve (Dec. 23):
Early afternoon

Late afternoon: 

Christmas Eve morning (Dec. 24):

Christmas Day (Dec. 25), snowed off and on all day, totaled around 10 inches:

The day after Christmas (Dec. 26) Mother Nature brought us this gift: 

 Perhaps a bit too much snow for the trees?

Lots of snow on the roof:

Late afternoon (Dec 26):

Reflections (Dec. 26):

We've had around 2 feet of snow fall in the past 6 days.
It's getting deep and gorgeous here!

Dec. 29:

A bright, cold afternoon (Dec. 30):

November 3, 2014

The November 2014 Views

Rainbow in the rain (Nov. 1):

Birthday morning view (Nov. 3):

Birthday evening views (Nov. 3):

A new bird joins the mix  - Stellar's Jay (Nov. 4):

And some regular residents enjoy lunch:

Snowy night (Nov. 14):

A few of today's deck visitors (Nov. 16):
Male Downy Woodpecker

wishin' n' hopin'

Stellar's Jay

This evening's view from the deck (Nov. 16): 

Late afternoon sun (Nov. 21):

Sunset (Nov. 24):


Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!