February 1, 2019

The February 2019 Views

A frosty, foggy, first morning (Feb. 1):

Lunchtime on the deck (Feb. 1):

So much snow - 14 to 16 inches in the past 36 hours (Feb. 5):

This flicker seems to have adopted us (Feb. 5):

Evening views of all that snow (Feb. 7):

After 12 days away, home sweet home (Feb. 18):

One night shy of the Full Snow February Moon,
with a little cloud cover (Feb. 18): 

A glorious afternoon sky (Feb. 19):

One night after the Full Snow Moon (Feb. 20):

A bright blue afternoon and pinkish evening (Feb. 21):

We have had snow every day for well over a week,
adding about 2 feet to what was already on the ground.
Winter can end any time now (Feb. 28):