July 1, 2019

The July 2019 Views

A rufous hummingbird poses (July 1):

Peek-a-boo with a deer, iris, and views (July 2):

Happy Independence Day (July 4):

Birds and views (July 5):

Flowers, and a rare show of sharing (July 6):

Night sky (July 6):

Sunset (July 9):

Moon shot (July 11):

Moon shots (July 12):

Evening hours (July 13):

Typical afternoon storm clouds (July 14):

Almost-full moon (July 14):

A decent afternoon and sunset.... (July 15):

....oh that moon! (July 15):

View from the car when stuck in road
construction (July 16):

Jupiter and moons (July 21):

Mountain views and flowers in the yard (July 23):