August 1, 2020

The August 2020 Views

Sunset and moon love (Aug. 1):

The full sturgeon moon (Aug. 2):

Hummers and deer (Aug. 3):

Momma and babe came for dinner (Aug. 7):
A stunning sunset (Aug. 8):
A beautiful, and busy, evening (Aug. 9):

After the storm, the rainbow (Aug. 12):

Nighttime visitor (Aug. 14):

Breakfast on the deck, and a dazed and confused 
juvenile black-capped grosbeak (Aug. 15):

Flowers around the yard (Aug. 15):

Breakfast visitors, and hummers (Aug. 16):

Hummers and clouds (Aug. 17):

Breakfast buddies, and smokey mountains (Aug. 21):

Still smokey, but it sure makes the moon pretty (Aug. 22):

Smoke-tinted moon (Aug. 23):

 Deer, hummers, and clouds (Aug. 24):

 Just before sunset, and moon (Aug. 25):

Moonshine (Aug. 27):

Hummers and moon (Aug. 28):

Moon, edging ever closer to the full Corn Moon (Aug. 29):

Moonrise (Aug. 30):

Moonshot (Aug. 31):