March 1, 2019

The March 2019 Views

A great, bright start to the month (Mar. 1):

Sunny afternoon (Mar. 1):

Another bright morning (Mar. 2):

And another sunny afternoon (Mar. 2):

Another brilliant morning (Mar. 4):

Sunset time (Mar. 4):

307 day! (Mar. 7):

A teeny, tiny hint of spring (Mar. 10):

Sunset (Mar. 12):

Another blue sky bright snow day (Mar. 15):

Moon shot (Mar. 15):

A bright morning (Mar. 16):

A decent afternoon (Mar. 17):

Moon view (Mar. 17):

Moon shots (Mar. 18):

A sunny, bird-filled afternoon - with melting! (Mar. 19):

First day of Spring (Mar. 20):

"Snow sculpture" on the roof:

It's Spring, the snow is finally starting to melt, 
and birds are coming back! (Mar. 23):

Bright blue day (Mar. 28): 

The goldfinches are getting their summer colors:

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