October 1, 2021

The October 2021 Views

 October evening (Oct. 1):

Bright fall morning (Oct. 2):

Sunday sunrise (Oct. 3):

A truly glorious golden afternoon, and
a tiny bit of a colorful sunset (Oct. 4):

Female ruffed grouse (Oct. 5):

Cool, rainy morning (Oct. 7):

The goldfinches are still here (Oct. 7):

Cold, rainy day - with snow up high (Oct. 8):

Rainy, cool days lead to leaving leaves (Oct. 9):

After the rain, the snow is being slowly revealed (Oct. 10):

Is winter on the way? (Oct. 11):

After a night of thunder, rain, and a tich of snow (Oct. 12):

Afternoon visitors, and an early Christmas gift
for the laird of the manor (Oct. 13):

Early evening, and moon (Oct. 14):

A rather brilliant morning, a decent sunset,
and that gorgeous moon (Oct. 15):

Moon (Oct. 16):

Hangin' on the window (Oct. 17):

A brilliant blue afternoon:

Sunset and moonrise:

Sunrise and moon (Oct. 18):

Full Hunter Moon (Oct. 20):

Cloudy morning and clear night moon (Oct. 21):

Tiny bit of cloud cover in tonight's moonshots (Oct. 22):

Sunset (Oct. 27):

A foggy morning and a tich of a colorful sunset (Oct. 29):

Halloween fog (Oct. 31):

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